Showing posts with label Electronic Voice Phenomena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronic Voice Phenomena. Show all posts

Worship the Glitch

ELpH vs Coil "Worswhip the Glitch" Vinyl

The legendary Industrial Music-Duo Coil was always at the forefront when it came to using audio technology as a vehicle for the "Otherworld" ("Time Machines"). In the midst of the band's highly creative and turbulent 1990s, Peter Christopherson and Jhonn Balance (both sadly deceased) noticed strange glitches in their equipment during various sessions. And Coil wouldn't have been Coil, of course, if the two original artists hadn't immediately personalized this occurrence; as "ELpH", a hybrid of machine and spirit being:

During the studio sessions that developed into what would become ‘Worship the Glitch’, Coil became aware of random compositions emitting from their gear, and were at odds with constant ‘accidents’ that were perpetually plaguing the recordings. The band called these unintentional emissions ‘ELpH’: a conceptual being that is one part physical equipment, one part celestial being… constantly playing the role of trickster, throwing a wrench into Coil’s methodology. Eventually, these accidents and mistakes were embraced by the band, and the process of misusing audio software to create intentional ‘errors’ was adopted as a musical technique. The acceptance of the ‘mistake’, and the use of discovered mistakes as intentional elements slowly became the drive and concept behind the album, thus birthing the title ‘Worship the Glitch.“(¹)

For me personally, Coil were always quite great, admirable rogues, who knew exactly how to get their listeners and fans in the right mood - with mysterious, self-invented urban legends. They always work: "Worship the Glitch" may or may not come from a ghost, the music creates a very strange, unreal feeling in any case - and that even without colorful pills and 4/20 technology (I would recommend the former only to experienced psychonauts at Coil sessions anyway).

"Worship the Glitch" was released in 1995 under the band name ELpH vs Coil. It should be noted that already one year before the EP "Born Again Pagans" was released under the band name Coil vs ELpH. There are no surviving explanations for this, but on the original release there are such wonderfully enigmatic notes as: "Patent Pending 184" or "Taken from the forthcoming double compilation CD 'The Sound of Music' (Threshold House Records - Due Spring 1995)" - a release that of course never existed.


by Doc Nachtstrom

Haunted by EVP

For eras, the EVPs have been haunting us - Now there might be an evenly haunting explanation...

Since the beginning of the usage of voltaics, humanity has started to spread a globe of radiation around our mother Earth, which is expanding at the speed of light in all directions. So we see that since the first official overseas transmission in charge of Guillermo Marconi, 125 years have passed, which equals

1.1825913 x 1015 Kilometers or, 7,905,134.6 Astronomical Units.

This is to say: A very vast distance that our signals reached over time in space. Talking about space, we assumed that radio waves would move at approximately the speed of light in empty space. But space is not that empty, after all. Fine dust, small agglomerations of dust, tiny particles, agglomeration of particles, and lighter and larger particles, all yet unidentified. What all these phenomena can do for us, is to mimic a vast echo chamber, a delay device, that sends reflections of our own sent signals back to us. So in a sense, we are listening to the dead, but we cannot talk to them. In a larger sense, the acquisition of the broken signals may be due to pareidolia, too. But I still think the reverberance of our electronic past is a great opportunity to understand our electromagnetic ancestry and have our past selves reflected.

by nocturnal